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Myths About Digital Education Part 2

By Sean Connick | Published: 30th August 2023

Following on from our previous blog, we will once again delve into the realm of myths and fantasy as we explore more untruths about Digital Education. We will examine their origins, assess whether they have any basis in facts, and uncover the actual truth of the matter.

1. Why do we need digital education when traditional forms seem to be working well? The best educational systems must adapt to changes in the world to prepare their students for life beyond education. If education remains stagnant and fails to adapt, it can put students at a disadvantage.Source.The pandemic disrupted the traditional classroom, leading most schools to migrate to online learning platforms. Since then, the industry has adapted to complement and enhance classroom learning. Likely, this trend is only in its nascent stages, and in the future, education will become increasingly blended. Source.

2. Traditional learning surpasses online learning in terms of effectiveness. There is no conclusive proof that traditional learning surpasses digital education in terms of effectiveness. Exam result data from the UK during the pandemic showed no discernible impacts, but the grading guidance had been changed compared to standard years.Source.Research indicates that students and educators prefer the blended approach of combining traditional classroom methods with digital education.Source.The traditional classroom will likely continue to evolve by integrating more elements from the digital world, thereby enhancing its effectiveness. Source.

3. The effectiveness of digital education relies heavily on students having access to well-developed ICT infrastructure. Approximately 3.6 billion individuals currently lack access to the internet.Source.In countries with developing infrastructure, a significant majority of students utilize mobile phones to engage in digital education, which can be more cost-effective.Source.Therefore, it's crucial for platforms to ensure that their offerings are both desktop and mobile-friendly.Source. There is still much work to be done to ensure that digital education becomes universally accessible, but progress is being made. If you want to delve deeper into this subject, consider checking out our previous article.

4. Online qualifications are less respected by employers. There is no evidence that employers place more weight on qualifications gained from traditional learning environments over those gained via online learning. Source. With more and more online learning, it is unlikely that this myth will be around for much longer!

5. Online Learning Is Easier and Requires Less Effort. This misconception assumes that online courses are less rigorous and demanding compared to traditional in-person classes. Some people believe that students can take online courses without putting in as much effort as they would in a traditional classroom setting. However, online education often requires self-discipline, time management, and active engagement to succeed. Source

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